Biographie de Gavin Tonks
As a practicing mentor since 1984 where I assisted small business in my Interior Decorating supply chain to Mentoring for International organizations, Banks and as my income bearing business I have written the articles for one reason. "The sins of entrepreneurs continue to destroy hopes and dreams because the fundamentals of ideas and business are not understood."The cry for independent business is a universal one and the issues of emerging Entrepreneurs are the same in Jamaica as in South Africa.
I workshopped over 2000 emerging entrepreneurs in South Africa for Enablis and on unpacking my findings after each session country wide the mistakes, aspirations and assumptions remain the same. This is why I wrote the 24 Hour survival guide and many of my other articles. Entrepreneurs think they will be a new google, but google was created at a time and place and were basically 5 people out of 6 billion on the planet.
Successful people I have met started small: one as a child picked up scrap metal along the road with a small cart and when I met him he owned a multimillion dollar scrap metal company. Another worked as a house cleaner to buy chips and sweets to sell and saved the seed capital and eventually had her own retail supermarket. Entrepreneurship is a skilled and demanding profession. It requires competency and the ability to sell.
You need to sell yourself, your ideas, your business and your products. No one is coming to save you with money, make it yourself it is a far more satisfying journey. Loot at the series 'The Profit, ' for instance and see how simple fundamentals escape business owners impacting on their ability to run successful business. Entrepreneurship is a journey and begins with your first sale. I had a shop at 16, I started a huge open stall market in the City I lived in, at 18.
I was the youngest Branch manager of a large retail Chain store at 24. I have worked in China, India, UK and Ireland. I embraced change and failure and just kept on adapting. I worked for Dr Nelson Mandela. Even I can do with my own advice at times. I am now with a company who is at the forefront of the new Cannabis Industry because of my experience and knowledge. The fundamentals of successful business do not change and are highlighted in the 24 Hour survival Guide for small business.
Good Luck on your journeyYours sincerelyGavin Tonks - serial entrepreneur