En cours de chargement...
After fourteen years of marriage Vanilla Jones is ready to break out of her box. Fortunately, her husband Jim had the very same idea. If you have ever wondered just what married life might be like if you decided to throw away the rule book and leave your bedroom door wide open then this is the book for you!Includes FOUR full lenght tasty tales of a marriage where the bedroom door is swinging wide open!FIFTY SHADES OF VANILLA - Vanilla's husband Jim brings home a friend from work for Vanilla to play with.
DOUBLE CHOCOLATE ON VANILLA - Jim brings home TWO friends and Vanilla tries to handle two scoops of sweet chocolate loving. VANILLA SPLIT - Because TWO women are always better than one! Especially when Jim joins in. VANILLA CHERRY POP - What Jim doesn't know is not going to hurt him - much. Believe me, there is NOTHING vanilla about Vanilla Jones!