En cours de chargement...
"Not for the faint hearted - Captain Blackwell pulls no punches! Prepare for a right roaring romp in the company of two of the most captivating characters in historical fiction." - Alaric Bond, author of Turn A Blind Eye, and the Fighting Sail SeriesRelive the pleasure of falling into the past with the author of Captain Blackwell's Prize, in Volume II of Blackwell's Adventures. The repercussions of a court martial and the ill-will of powerful men at the Admiralty pursue Royal Navy captain James Blackwell into the Pacific, where danger lurks around every coral reef.
Even if Captain Blackwell and Mercedes survive the venture into the world of early nineteenth century exploration, can they emerge unchanged with their love intact. The mission to the Great South Sea will test their loyalties and strength, and define the characters of Captain Blackwell and his lady in Blackwell's Paradise.