En cours de chargement...
After barely escaping the dark specter in Threshport, Dash and her alien companion, Tavin find themselves aboard a ship with the stranger from the Howling Growler. Despite his disheveled appearance and gruff exterior, the vagabond seems to know his way around a cockpit and how to fight. Unfortunately, they're heading toward Fringe Space, the most dangerous sector in the galaxy. Not only must they navigate uncharted territory, but Dash must come to grips with her newfound powers before she accidentally hurts someone, or herself. As they evade enemy forces, the trio makes a suicide attempt to signal for help.
Little do they know, more ancient evils lurk in the dark corners of the world. Meanwhile, Priestess Lera Nightingale is dealing with the fallout from her meeting at Isentia. She has lost all faith in her order and all hope for herself. Her fate now rests on the sporadic whims of a pet-sized dragon that would rather eat worms than help her out. Will Dash and her friends make it through this crazy adventure? Will Lera find her faith again? Find out in...
Crossing The Fringe