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In this fast-paced sequel to the hot new action series, The Jake Stone Thrillers, Jake is lured into the underground Mexican compound of his deadly nemesis, Arianna Bradshaw, where he must choose between his love for Snowflake and saving his own skin. Helping him decide are three new butt-kicking female assassins, Sandy, Gumdrop and Penelope. Will Jake keep his cool and save the day, or will he once again find himself caught between warring factions in an ever widening international conspiracy of espionage and intrigue? Stay tuned! Also, check out volume three of this hot new series."The second installment in the Jake Stone Thrillers may be even more rollicking and jaw-dropping than the first.
Jake rides a roller coaster of gun battles, deadly karate fights and outright brawls in a wild race to reunite with his lovely but lethal friend, Snowflake, who remains as inscrutable, charming and ferocious as ever. Three new women add spice and intrigue to the story and keep the reader guessing which of them is really on Jake's side, and which is out to kill him. I again look forward to reading the next installment in this fun and action-packed series." Theodora K."There's no question that Peters is a master wordsmith." Gerry B's Book Reviews"T.
L. Peters' way of writing is wonderful." Kyanara