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In Destiny of Daring: Never Forget, the captivating conclusion to the Destiny historical fiction trilogy, award-winning journalist and author Cathy Burnham Martin delivers an unforgettable tale that intertwines the past and present. Set during the waning years of the Ottoman Empire, Destiny of Daring: Never Forget delves deeper into the lives of the Gulumian family, as a daughter formerly thought to have been killed in the genocide navigates through a tumultuous period in history.
Prepare to be enthralled as this gripping narrative takes you on a journey through time, connecting the harrowing events of World War I-era Armenia with a modern-day quest for ancestral roots and cultural harmony. Readers witness the hardships, violence, and political turmoil that plagued the Armenian community and demanded the unwavering bonds of family and friendship, daring risks, and unimaginable courage to survive.
These true Armenian stories reflect an eerie parallel with present-day events demonstrating man's continuing inhumanity to man and the heroism of those who dare to defy divisiveness and terrorism. While helpful for background, having read Books 1 and 2 is not essential to read Book 3.