En cours de chargement...
In the near future, Hannah (age 16), her younger brother Loghan (age 11), and her younger sister Emma (age 5) are on the run aided by a man named Shane. Hannah hears that Shane's a kidnapper on the news. Is he out to help or put them in more danger? A few months earlier, Hannah, Loghan, and Emma lived in one of the nicest suburban neighborhoods in Potsville, Indiana. Emma's health has been deteriorating for some time, but now they're noticing.
After a doctor's diagnosis, Hannah and Loghan become suspicious that something sinister is going on. Before long, their lives are turned upside down as they try to determine what's going on and save their sister in this dystopian society. Time's running out for them to discover the truth. Will Hannah and Loghan be able to save their sister, and potentially themselves, in time?