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Bluewater Productions has pioneered and popularized the "bio-comic" genre with its series "Female Force" and "Political Power." Now Bluewater will make history again as it tackles the life of, arguably the most famous person in history, Jesus Christ. The book highlights different aspects of the life of Christ to show that Jesus of Nazareth was more than just a great man in history, but proof of a providential force at work in the universe.
Bluewater Productions has pioneered and popularized the "bio-comic" genre with its series "Female Force" and "Political Power." Now Bluewater will make history again as it tackles the life of, arguably the most famous person in history, Jesus Christ. The book highlights different aspects of the life of Christ to show that Jesus of Nazareth was more than just a great man in history, but proof of a providential force at work in the universe.