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Start dreaming and start doing today! Take control of your writing career on your own terms with this 12-Step Indie Author Business Plan for Writing Success. After all, your book is more than a work of art. It's also a commercially viable product that readers will want to purchase and bookstores will compete to sell. If traditional publishers require a business plan for each and every book they market, why shouldn't you? It's time to take the reins and be professional by creating a business plan for your work so you can join the world-wide publishing party!Don't wait a minute longer.
Get started today on the right path by following the principles in From Dreamer to Doer: A 12-Step Indie Author Business Plan for Writing Success. * Define your business. What do you want from your business?* Create a business plan for each of your books.* Prepare a media sheet for each book.* Brand yourself, not just the book you're publishing today.* Social media and book marketing. You must think about your book in terms of its commercial viability.* A list of promotion services to help with your marketing plan.* Setting a budget for your writing.
Calculate the cost of publishing your book.* Pricing strategy. Discover how to look at competition creatively.* Targeted audience and metadata. Determine how your author platform will help your book succeed.* Newsletter. Determine who your reader is and the size of the audience.