En cours de chargement...
In a world where humans and beings of myth and legend live side by side the horrifying and uncompromising nature of the supernatural forces the police and those wields of majik called Inquisitors to work together to save the lives of an entire town. When the French town of Château d'os suffers its first murder in over 100 years, the police discover to their horror that the victim - a teenager - was murdered by supernatural means.
This necessitates immediate contact with the Special Inquisitorial Branch - sorcerers who are trained deal with threats of both the supernatural and extra-terrestrial kind. One of the two Inquisitors who arrives is named Phillip Frostfeld, who both a hero in his own right and is the latest scion of the legendary Frostfeld clan - a family whose name is synonymous with sacrifice, heroism, and duty. However, Phillip grieves the recent death of his wife in the line of duty and is forced to come to terms with his lose while investigating a case whose aspects chill the blood.
He, his partner, and the towns police force soon find themselves in the middle of an ancient cold war between beings who are utterly indifferent of the lives of others, who dispatch the most vicious agents to execute their will. The past and present collide as the streets of Château d'os become a battleground as both the lives and souls of the town's residents - and possibly the world - hang in the balance.
Swords will swing, guns will roar, majik will burn, and blood will flow as a mourning son learns to use his grief as fuel for justice and a steadfast knight is given a second chance to protect those who cannot protect themselves.