Biographie de Rod Seeber
... Well its taken a long while to do these ebooks (Arthritis has slowed me down these days) but I get there in the end, so it's all good. I do not claim to be a great author but I do think I write an interesting storyline so have a gander and grab a sample read. If you happen to enjoy it consider grabbing the whole ebook. My favorite ebook is Bad Taste Tales which comprises ten different Sci Fi Horror based tales of which some can also be purchased separately.
The law of averages suggests you will like at least a couple! Another amusing set of tales is Funny Beer Stories and as you may have guessed it involves what happens after you have downed a few! So here's your chance to take the "Pepsi Challenge" and read an ebook instead of looking at something like The Pop Art Van on YouTube or planing your Double Denim for the weekend ... ALSO WORTH NOTING >> All of these stories within offered ebooks are to be written as Screenplays by me.
They are of course my original work and therefore copyright.