En cours de chargement...
In the aftermath of being kidnapped by crazed mercury dragons, Kirani Kinsley Ramons dusts off her rusty skills and takes up the mantle of private investigator. With the dead growing more restless by the day and the fear of missing women in need of rescue looming before her, Kinsley dives into the case. With her fiancé, her trusty carbunclo, and her hummingbird familiar at her side, Kinsley is ready for anything the world might toss at her. As Kinsley unveils the identities of the missing and begins unraveling the mystery of their disappearances, she discovers there might be something far worse than a necromancer lurking within Dragon Heights.
Uncertain of who to trust or where to turn, she seeks out the unlikeliest of allies: the restless dead. To save those lost in the darkness, Kinsley will have to put everything on the line, embracing the full power of her line, no matter the cost.