En cours de chargement...
Nightmonger has Razorwing, and the heroes begin a hectic night on the hunt for the mutant hero. Ironsite Security sets Pinpoint and his team on a quest for revenge against Gene Front, leading the squad on a violent night of actions against the city's mutant population. Borgz finds a way to communicate with his alien associate, Retten, and the scout forces others to aid him in his search for his temporary master.
It's a night full of action and adventure in Metrocity as heroes are pitted against supervillains and mercenaries, and all groups are at odds with others, leading to a night of anarchy. H. E. R. O. - Anarchy is the 20th book in the most extensive superhero novel series of the last decade. It is an action-packed, full-length written novel of nearly 105, 000 words. The H. E. R. O. series:H. E. R. O.
- Metamorphosis (1)H. E. R. O. - New Markets (2)H. E. R. O. - Rise and Fall (3)H. E. R. O. - Dark Research (4)H. E. R. O. - Horde (5)H. E. R. O. - Paragon (6)H. E. R. O. - Illustrated GuideH. E. R. O. Shorts - Gatecrasher (7)H. E. R. O. Shorts - Silverlash (8)H. E. R. O. - Gene Front (9)H. E. R. O. - Incursion (10)H. E. R. O. - Dolldrum (11)H. E. R. O. - Malice (12)H. E. R. O. - Dark Breach (13)H.
E. R. O. - Nightmonger (14)H. E. R. O. - Battlefronts (15)H. E. R. O. - Riftguard (16)H. E. R. O. - Augments (17)H. E. R. O. - Summoned (18)H. E. R. O. - Bio-Organism (19)H. E. R. O. - Anarchy (20)...more are on the way!