En cours de chargement...
In the summer of 1974 Jim Knapp, a High School student living in rural Northeastern Pennsylvania was wading in a stream near his home with his friend, when he discovered a mysterious stone with strange carvings of mountains, the sun, and trees on it. He carried the foot-long by eight inch stone home. The most impressive part of the stone was script carved in the upper left corner. The stone remained on the floor of the family's dining room as a conversation piece until 1977.
It came to the attention of an archeologist who had a profound interest in the stones existence from a local newspaper reporter. This archeologist and some of his associates believed that travelers had visited our land from Europe, long before Columbus and his voyage. Later that year, the inscription was roughly translated to explain, "On the appointed day, the sun sets in the notch opposite the House of Worship."Fast forward to 2012; theories and speculations concerning the Mayan calendar and the end of everything as we know it, are on the rise.
Ironically, the local newspaper ran an updated article again about the Knapp Pleasant Mount Stone reviving old questions and interests in Knapp's mind. Out of nowhere, Knapp is contacted by a mysterious woman on behalf of an anonymous collector of Rare Antiquities, making an extremely large offer for the mysterious discovery. Unexplained events concerning the weather and geological events start to take place, suddenly validating claims made by the end of the world theorist.
After meeting three more unique people, who represented museums from their prospective countries, Knapp, along with family and friends, must work together, racing against time and the elements in an ever growing skeptical world, to regain the planets proper balance before that fateful day, 12/21/2012. This book deals with family, life, love, current events, adventure, and mystery.