Not Home for the Holidays - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Isabelle Drake

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 Isabelle Drake - Not Home for the Holidays.
Not Home for the Holidays is the reverse-Hallmark Christmas movie where the country girl finds her city HEA. The week before Christmas, quirky, country... Lire la suite
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Not Home for the Holidays is the reverse-Hallmark Christmas movie where the country girl finds her city HEA. The week before Christmas, quirky, country girl Emma Lopez is in New York City, aiming to win a social media contest for small-business owners. Minutes before her high-stakes interview, an impulsive, sizzling kiss under the mistletoe with a handsome businessman turns into an even bigger surprise  She goes all-in enjoying the holiday excitement of the city and shaking up a certain dapper businessman.
Thanks to a snowstorm, her phone, and a couple more kisses, she counts herself a winner. Then, her high-spirited attitude leads to an unexpected opportunity of a lifetime, one she's certain she can't accept.


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