En cours de chargement...
In the final installment of the Shades of the Moon series, Ava finally feels like her life is on track as she sets off to lead the Everwood pack with Viktor by her side. The Hunters and the Blackwater pack pose challenges that Ava and Viktor hope to overcome by forging alliances. The challenges that lay ahead quickly become even more apparent when Trace, Malakai's father, asks Ava's pack for asylum after he is cast out of the Blackwater pack. Her plans to rule the pack with Viktor abruptly change when Malakai calls Viktor's honor into question.
Ava suddenly finds herself ruling the Everwood pack alone, and trying to make decisions that will keep her pack safe from the Hunters and the Blackwater pack. As her enemies continue to mount, she finds herself turning to Trace for guidance. She is weary of him ... terrified she is making a mistake that could cost her the pack if she isn't careful. As enemies mount, she has no choice but to trust Trace and hope she isn't making the biggest mistake of her life.