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In this fast and furious fourth installment of the hot new series, The Jake Stone Thrillers, Jake for a change must come to the rescue of his lovely and ferocious friend, Snowflake, instead of the other way around. Is Jake up to the task, or will Snowflake's powerful enemies overwhelm him?If you aren't yet acquainted with this rollicking new series, check out Deception, A Jake Stone Thriller (Book One)for a novel take on the battle of the sexes."In this fourth volume of The Jake Stone Thrillers, Jake turns introspective, Snowflake gets really mad, and when one of their old rivals unexpectedly shows up, all hell breaks loose.
I loved this book for many reasons, but especially because Snowflake finally shows us her softer side. But don't worry. Her hard side is still on display and in your face. The ending of the story suggests that another installment is on the way. I hope so. Four books, about 700 pages, and nearly 200, 000 words later, I'm still hankering for more." Theodora K."There's no question that Peters is a master wordsmith." Gerry B's Book Reviews"T.
L. Peters' way of writing is wonderful." Kyanara