En cours de chargement...
After the birth of their third child, Kevin and Karen Marsh rent an unseen vacation seaside cottage in distant, isolated San Sebastian. Even before they can settle in, their dog balks and runs. Seventeen year-old Gillian claims she hears noises under the house. On their first morning they discover the rotting corpses of a dead cat's kittens, and when Kevin sends twelve-year-old Scott out to dispose of the bodies, the boy returns with a picnic basket of homemade goods he found on the porch.
Karen marvels at the friendliness of their neighbors. Little do the Marsh's know how friendly the villagers will become over the summer. Karen becomes obsessed with cleaning their cottage while Kevin tries to finish writing his long delayed novel. The teenagers find their own diversions and peculiar new friends, unaware that they are all being woven into a web of horror the village and its dowager leader have designed for them.
[Explicit sex and violence and supernatural terror]