The Power of Time: 7 Rules for Time Management and Taking Control of Your Life - Self-help and personal development - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Daniel J. Martin - The Power of Time: 7 Rules for Time Management and Taking Control of Your Life - Self-help and personal development.
Do you feel you don't have enough time to do everything you want?Do you wish you could find the time to do the things that really matter to you?Do you... Lire la suite
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Do you feel you don't have enough time to do everything you want?Do you wish you could find the time to do the things that really matter to you?Do you want to stop surviving and start actually living? Time management is a fundamental skill that will enable you to enjoy a full and happy life. Thanks to 7 simple and proven rules, you can discover how to set goals, prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, plan in advance, learn to say "no", stop procrastinating, maximize your productivity, reduce stress.and find that balance between your personal and professional lives.
If you want to be successful in any area of your life, it's essential that you learn to manage your time efficiently. This book is for you if:   - You feel like you're doing a lot but progressing a little.  - You feel overwhelmed by your to-do list.  - You want to beat procrastination and get more done in less time.  - You find it hard to say "no" to people.  - You feel like you spend your life multitasking.  - You want to learn how to delegate tasks and responsibilities.  - You find it hard to begin or complete important tasks.  - You find it hard to sleep or rest enough.  - You would like to be more productive and lead a less stressful life.  - You want to learn how to set and achieve your goals.  - You want to find the time to do the things that really matter.
Remember: it's not about counting the days, it's about making each day count. Manage your time effectively and make the most of every moment, because wasted time never comes back. Don't spend it on unimportant things. Focus on what really matters and progress confidently toward a life full of success and meaning. Don't wait until tomorrow to change your life - get your copy TODAY!


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Biographie de Daniel J. Martin

Daniel J. Martin, a writer by hobby and psychologist by vocation, first studied psychology and then business administration, trying to find the tools that would allow him to enjoy a full and happy life, far from the "rat race" that his parents were forced to endure. Over time, he realized that the skills he sought were not taught at university, precisely because the system is designed to trap us in this cruel race.
It was then that he decided to combine his knowledge in both disciplines and develop a holistic approach to promote emotional well-being and personal success. Through his books and professional practice, Daniel helps people from all over the world discover what they really want in life and provides them with the tools and skills necessary to achieve it.

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