En cours de chargement...
In a beautiful and picturesque little town, a boy of humble origins receives a bicycle as a gift from a city boy named Marcelito, with whom he forms a sincere and endearing friendship that will last forever. From that moment on, he uses the bike daily for all his activities; becoming "The cyclist of Villa Abecia"; motivating children readers to use them too. Sponsored by Marcelito and his family, "El ciclista de Villa Abecia" goes to the city for a bike race, where he has the opportunity to show his values, fidelity, gratitude and friendship.
Just some of the values ??that this beautiful book instills in its readers. Each page is illustrated. The book has an interactive section, which allows readers to write and illustrate their own ending, it also has a glossary of Values ??and words used in the book; reinforced by a word search and a crossword, to invite the reading children to reflect and internalize these moral principles for their lives.
Finally, it has a section of the images of the book to color and entertain the children readers. Definitely a beautiful, well illustrated and educational children's story that your children should have in their private collection.