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"The Small Bachelor" is a novel by P. G. Wodehouse, first published in 1927. Set during Prohibition, it tells the story of George Finch, a short-statured artist living in New York's Greenwich Village. George falls in love with Molly Waddington, but faces opposition from her socially ambitious step-mother, who wants Molly to marry an English lord. The plot involves various characters, including George's friend J.
Hamilton Beamish, a mild-mannered policeman named Garroway, and Molly's father, Mr. Waddington. The story takes twists and turns as George and Molly's wedding is threatened by the arrival of George's ex-fiancée and a fake girlfriend. Eventually, Mrs. Waddington's doubts about George's morals are dispelled, and the story ends with the characters planning to go out West. The novel was adapted into a silent film in 1927 and a theatrical adaptation titled "Over the Moon" in 2003.
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This Quick Read edition includes both the full text and a summary for each chapter.
- Reading time of the complete text: about 7 hours
- Reading time of the summarized text: 13 minutes