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Each issue of The Society of Misfit Stories Presents. is a celebration of long-form fiction. These novelettes and novellas will entertain and surprise fans of the form. In this issue:In The Phantom Baker, mysterious newcomers captivate their neighbors with otherworldly culinary skills. A father seeks to punish the God he holds responsible for his daughter's death in The God Weapon. While hiking with her mother, a young girl develops an unhealthy fascination with the carcass of a dead deer in The Other View.
In The Last Hero, a hero on a quest to free a god and unite the land becomes saddled with an unwelcome companion: the previous hero's ghost. Two government inspectors get more than they bargained for when they visit a remote farm in A Notch for a Raven. In Firelight, the survivor of an apocalyptic event tries to make sense of the loss around him.