En cours de chargement...
Imagine a world where the Death Penalty is no longer an option. Imagine a world in the not too distant future where scientists have been given the opportunity to create a an unthinkable form of punishment only that is only reserved for society's worst criminals. In this contemporary world setting you will be severely punished for your actions of depravity and insidious undertakings of debauchery! Society will no longer tolerate the wicked people of this world, no it is time for justice to fight back! If we are no longer able to kill off society's worst citizens we will find another way.
We will implement an even more macabre punishment than the heinous crimes on trial. After all if the worst of our criminals think they can get away with murder? They are just so very wrong and will soon discover the horrors of what modern science has formulated as punishment for them! Simply put, if they take a life and we are no longer able to take their life .....we will change it. We will change the of a wicked criminal into the worst possible nightmare imaginable! If the society's worst are going to act like they are inhuman, well we will transform them into something inhuman.
Something beyond their worst nightmares! We will implement the Swap Option and then pray for their souls!