Biographie de David Forgensi
Born July 16, 1970, in Syracuse, New York. Upon completing public education, David graduated from Onondoga Community College with an A. A. S. in Business Administration. Afterward, he completed a B. A. in Liberal Arts from SUNY Oswego. David has worked in the public school setting for over 14 years. His focus in public education is technology. More specifically, David assists in educational technology, whereas computer software programs are utilized to develop and enhance various fundumental skills for students.
Ironically, it is the implementation of various technologies that have led to the development of his children's works. While David designs the original illustratons himself, it is professional computer software he uses to enhance and bring them to life. In his free time, David hones his musical creativity on the stage, where he plays the saxophone in an R & B, fused horn band.