En cours de chargement...
A short, light-hearted thriller, with some juicy romance in between, in Afrikaans of a nerdy psychology lecturer getting romantically involved with a beautiful, yet dangerous married student of his. A kort, ligte riller, met sappige romans tussenin, in Afrikaans van 'n bleeksiel sielkunde dosent wat romanties betrokke raak met 'n pragtige, maar gevaarlike en boonop getroude student van hom. The name 'Weghol Veldbrand' means 'Raging Wildfire'.
Soon after starting with the affair, he realizes that she is like a raging wildfire, devouring or destroying everything and everyone in her way. The climax is where he has to flee from her jealous, mad husband who took an oath that he would kill the hero of the story for messing with his wife. Pas nadat die verhouding goed opdreef gekom het, kom hy tot sy ontnugtering agter dat sy soos 'n weghol veldbrand is wat alles en almal in haar pad verteer en verwoes.
Die klimaks is wanneer haar jaloerse man sweer hy gaan die held in die verhaal vermoor omdat hy met sy vrou gelol het.