En cours de chargement...
Who Loses Wins: A cynical tragedy of cowardly bravery. A small Australian country-town entrepreneurial company taken over by an ex-Government body is slowly destroyed. Destructive ridicule is continually inflicted on the small band of loyal creative employees. They are treated as "country-bumpkins" and perennially informed that creativity can ONLY reside in a major city. Joe cannot assimilate the wastage, incomprehensible sycophantic bullshit and character assassination everyone surviving "outplacement" and "downsizing" is subjected to.
He diverts his energies into helping others at "Crisis Support" finding everyone looking for aid is as he is. Hypnosis is used to help the people with problems but innocently goes wrong leading to mass individual disobedience against Authority which Joe is accused of and convicted of generating. The solution is to commit him to a mental asylum and murder him while being transported there using a deliberately misinformed SAS field training exercise.
As Joe dies he enters the mystic realm of his Overself letting us see the reasons behind his and our personal existence including the karmic present and past-lives stream of reasons why experience happens. But, the result is not what you expect?