En cours de chargement...
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, a boy takes on a robot army to regain his freedom-with the help of a few powerful friends. Young Hiro has been hiding out for months with the mysterious robot who saved him and his yojimbot companions from the vicious onslaught by Topu's drone army. But he can't stay hunkered down forever. He and his friends have to find a way out before the island's security forces close in, including a foe Hiro thought he'd seen the last of.
The path ahead is full of danger, but freedom awaits Hiro at the end-as well as an earth-shattering revelation. Hiro and his friends are on their way to the old port to try to find a way off the island. But they have to stay off the grid to avoid detection by the relentless Topu. Easier said than done when you're traveling with robots who need a charge. Fortunately, Hiro's band of yojimbots is continuing to grow, and he'll need every bit of help he can get as the enemy catches up to them once more...