En cours de chargement...
"Raw and thought-provoking...""...surprising, filled with unexpected moments of poignancy and brutality.""(An)...unflinching look at the best (and worst) of human nature."Powerful beings known as "gens" appear, distinguishable by their unique eyes. Each of them is tormented by an emptiness that can only be relieved by finding a specific human, someone who they feel an immediate kinship with and need to protect.
These people, their "others, " become unwilling outcasts from society. A gen called Grace finds the one she seeks, a young man named Nathan. To escape the misery she felt before finding him, she must keep him close... even as her presence sends his life spiraling into chaos, and as humanity's fear of the gens puts them both at risk."Your Kind" tells a contemporary monster story, one that holds a mirror up to the savagery (and beauty) of humanity.